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calcomanías amr racing compatibles con generador portátil honda eu2000i skin camping - woodland camo

  • $CLP 61.759



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
- Precios pueden cambiar previo aviso. Depende de precio con proveedores o existencia.
- Fotos referenciales del producto, consulte no mas
- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
-The Best decal coverage graphics kit fits: Honda EU2000i Generator
-Note that the original color of the generator will still show through gaps in the decal set.
-Parts shown in image are included in the kit. Decal kit covers both sides of generator. Decals Made in the USA!
-This is graphics kit only. Generator is NOT included. AMR RACING kits are PRE-Cut for easy installation.
-Graphics printed with extremely vivid and detailed images with up to 16.5 million colors.

Why choose AMR Racing Graphics? We have seen just about every type of Graphic available. So when AMR Racing told us about their new line of graphics for Rhinos, Quads and MX Bikes we were less than excited. When they sent us our first set, we were absolutely blown away. These Graphics are UNREAL. AMR uses a Patent Pending digital process that produces up to 16.5 million colors. The quality and detail is nothing like we have ever seen before. In addition to the amazing appearance of the graphics, they are Super Thick, 22mil!, by far the thickest graphics we have ever seen. The last piece of the puzzle, and the one thing we were most skeptical about was the adhesive, how well are these things going to stick? Well, AMR did not disappoint us here either. They use a Super Sticky 3M brand adhesive.