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paletas fiskars fibercomp de 11 "

  • Marca:


  • Código producto: B01JSGUSMG
  • Disponibilidad: Traemos a pedido, tiempo de 15 a 25 dias.
  • $CLP 24.286
  • $CLP 18.345



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
- Precios pueden cambiar previo aviso. Depende de precio con proveedores o existencia.
- Fotos referenciales del producto, consulte no mas
- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
-2 Pack of Fiskars FiberComp 11" Trowel
-Ideal for digging into tough soil and breaking up hardened dirt clods
-Oversized head displaces more soil to speed work
-One-piece design won't loosen, bend at the neck or break while digging
-FiberComp design is lightweight for easy handling yet stronger than steel for lasting value. Mfgr Lifetime warranty

This Fiskars Nyglass trowel is everything such a utilitarian tool should be: remarkably light, incredibly strong, and remarkably affordable. Made of Nyglass nylon/fiberglass composite, i-s lighter than comparable metal models- yet it wo-t crack or bend during even the most enthusiastic gardening sessions. Wo-t rust either, and the one-piece construction means the handle will always stay securely attached to the head. Generously sized for lots of earth-moving ability, with an easy-to-grasp, slightly oversized handle with convenient hanging hole. Plus, Fiskars lifetime warranty of reliable, no-hassle performance.