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acabado por pulverización simplificado: un libro y un dvd complementario paso a paso )

  • $CLP 52.824



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Product DescriptionWoodworking finishes can make a good project great. Spray Finishing offers professional results far superior to brushing or other hand-applied methods. Now that home woodworkers have access to the specialized tools and finishing products that were once used only by professional finishers, all they need is direction.Enter Jeff Jewitt, a well-known authority on finishing who combines his vast knowledge of the subject with the latest technology to produce this integrated eBook and video combination, the first in Taunton's 'Woodworking Made Simple' series. Jewitt explains how to choose equipment and demystifies the spray-finishing process.Through this unique multimedia approach, which includes detailed step-by-step instructions, photos, and how-to video, readers learn where to safely spray finishes and how to troubleshoot and solve spray-finishing problems. Both the book and DVD cover a variety of spray systems, solvents, and waterborne finishing products.About the AuthorJeff Jewitt has written four Taunton Press books on finishing, including Hand Applied Finishes, Great Wood Finishes and The Complete Illustrated Guide to Finishing. He has appeared in two award-winning finishing videos. Jewitt runs a finishing an-wood finishing supply business (Homestead Finishing Products) in Cleveland, Ohio.