Tu carrito

1,5 gal. rociador de lejía



- El producto se trae a pedido, en un transcurso de 15 a 25 dias, si alguna restriccion de un ente gubernamental o de salud publica cambia o restringe vuelos, los pedidos pueden demorar mas tiempo.
- Precios pueden cambiar previo aviso. Depende de precio con proveedores o existencia.
- Fotos referenciales del producto, consulte no mas
- Despachamos a todo Chile con Starken.
- Productos importados de Estados Unidos, es probable que los productos electronicos trabajen en 110V y NO en 220V, podria usar un transformador, para mas informacion primero nos puedes preguntar todas las inquietudes que tengas.
-1. 5 gallon capacity allows for 1 gallon of bleach to be used safely
-HDPE translucent tank with funnel top for easy filling
-Designed to spray bleach, disinfectant and other harsh chemicals
-Equipped with Viton seals and gaskets for added chemical resistance
-Includes an adjustable nozzle, a high volume flat fan nozzle, and a low volume flat fan nozzle
-Ergonomic pump handle for easy carrying
-14-inch wand for hard to reach places
-Pressure relief valve for added safety
-Flow control with lock-on for continuous spraying

The Flo-Master 1. 5 Gallon Bleach Sprayer is ideal for spraying bleach, disinfectant, and other harsh chemicals. This lightweight poly design sprayer features Viton seals and gaskets to provide greater chemical resistance. The HDPE translucent tank offers liquid visibility and the funnel top allows for easy filling. This sprayer also features an extended 14-inch wand which allows for application in hard to reach places. Other features include a pressure relief valve for added safety, flow control with lock-on for continuous spraying. The 1. 5 gallon capacity allows for 1 gallon of bleach to be used safely while leaving room for pressurization. This sprayer also includes an adjustable nozzle, a high volume flat fan nozzle, and a low volume flat fan nozzle for various spraying options.