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eagle lights - faro led redondo de 7 pulgadas, cromado, generación iii, halo con luces de paso a juego

  • $CLP 749.290



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-EAGLE LIGHTS QUALITY - The best Eagle Lights 7" LED headlight. The Eagle Lights 8700 headlight uses high quality polycarbonate lens construction for extra durability and heat treated die-cast aluminum for the body. Powered by high output LEDs, it is the best and the brightest 7" LED Headlight available.
-PLUG N' PLAY - Ready to use out of the box! No splicing, no wiring, no capacitors, just ready to use. We build everything needed inside the headlight so you don't have to wire it. Comes with the standard 3 prong H4 connection and has high and low beam, all in one headlight.
-GENERATION III DIFFERENCE - 33% more light, wider field of light. Same master-crafted construction as our Generation II.
-LOTS OF POWER, LOTS OF LIGHT - At over 3800 Lumens, there is nowhere you can't go. With a wide angle of projection and a color temperature just north of 6000K, the road will be bright, easily visible and safe.
-EAGLE LIGHTS LIFETIME WARRANTY - Our LED headlights are designed to outlast your bike! But should something go wrong, you are covered by the Eagle Lights Lifetime Manufacturer Warranty. The best warranty in the business! No hassle returns and no hassle warranty replacement.

The Eagle Lights 8700CG3 is the newest and brightest 7" LED headlight available. It features 33% greater output than the Generation II with a wider beam pattern. It comes with a clean black finish to complement your bike. Easy plug and play installation with a industry standard H4 3 prong plug.